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How does the metal filter reduce the production of scale?

未知2020-08-17 14:15:50

In hard water areas, as long as the saturation index of the water is not exceeded, there will be no scale formation in the water pipe. If it is below the saturation index or just at the critical point of saturation, no scale will be formed. Conversely, if the soft water quality exceeds the saturation index, scale will also be generated. The metal filter manufacturer will give you a specific explanation.
   The saturation index is determined by the pH of the water. As we all know, pH can be measured by PH test:
   The lower the PH value, the stronger the acidity in the water, the higher the saturation index, the more mineral components can be dissolved;
   The higher the PH value, the stronger the alkalinity in the water, and the lower the saturation index, the less mineral components can be dissolved.
   Heating the water, lowering the water pressure (such as turning on the faucet, etc.) or adding chemicals to the water will cause the pH to rise.
  As the PH value increases, the water's ability to dissolve mineral components will decrease, and these mineral components will also precipitate and become scale.
   Circulation systems (such as cooling towers, steam boilers, circulating water treatment systems, etc.) work, the pressure and temperature are changing for a long time, causing the PH value of the water to rise and oversaturate.
  In addition, in industrial water, because lime or some corrosive agents are often added, the pH value of the water will increase and oversaturation. These are the causes of scale.--www.meshsupplier.com
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